Welcome to the Stitch Revolution

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Goth, more than most looks, is about more than just a fashion style, it's a lifestyle, an aesthetic, and a way of looking at the world. It's about far more than death and black eyeliner, it's about unencumbered self expression.

Why, then, should you then have to pay your entire expendable income for a single outfit?
You don't.

"But I'm too lazy/poor/untalented/enslaved by the system to make my own stuff!"
--Nope. You can't possibly be any more lazy and untalented than me and I manage. But it's okay, we can muddle through together.

Weekly (-ish. I am also writing a thesis.) I'm going to post some pattern ideas, current and past projects, and shopping tips. I'd love it if more people stopped bitching and saving for overpriced, assembly-line clothes and started making their own unique pieces. C'mon... lets start a revolution. With sewing machines and gorilla glue and nifty little hats! It'll be fun.

Note on the name: it's not really supposed to mean anything, it just popped into my head. I don't know if I'll keep it-- it's stupid, but kind of catchy.